to an old friend(?)

2009.11.28. 21:24

People change says the big book, and that's true. I agree with that. I can't believe that our friend is not our friend anymore. We loved him, but I talked with him yesterday. He was totally different. That fuckin' bitch makes him stupid. She manipulates him, she totally rules him. I felt him rude... He was rude with me. He would be thankful because he would be nothing without me... I helped him to finish his work of degree! BTW! I made his degree... That girl owns him... His friends are not important anymore, just that bitch! You can't be anyone without friends! He hates us because we hate that girl... Nice... His new friends are completely idiots. It won't takes foverer! Our time will come! Hey! You will be totally lost, and you will seek us! You are going to apologize! You will see who is the bad, and who is the good! You've chosen the wrong way, you will see! Your dick was more important than your life... Life goes on as I say. We will see! ;)

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